Organization name
Friends of Hawthorne PTA
Tax id (EIN)
4100 39TH AVE SSEATTLE, WA 98118
You can make more things possible for every student in every classroom at Hawthorne Elementary School by giving to Friends of Hawthorne PTA.
It's only with support from generous donors like you that we've been able to increase funding for several years running to improve educational opportunities for all children at this at this diverse and thriving Title 1 school in Southeast Seattle.
PTA dollars cover the costs of many needs inside and outside the classroom, including:
The motto at our school — once labeled one of the lowest-performing in the state — is "RISE UP!" Today, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, Hawthorne is thriving because of an amazing staff that challenges every student and the unwavering support of a community that believes every child has a better shot at a bright future when they can get a stellar education at their neighborhood public school.
Your donation will make a BIG difference at Hawthorne, helping our PTA respond to ever-changing and ever-growing needs at a time when federal, state and school district budget cuts keep shortchanging our kids.
Thanks for your support today and every day.
Organization name
Friends of Hawthorne PTA
Tax id (EIN)
4100 39TH AVE S