Organization name
Gainesville Community Ministry Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family, Community, Humanitarian Aid
238 SW 4TH AVE gcmone@bellsouth.netGAINESVILLE, FL 32601
(352) 372-8162
We provide practical assistance to the elderly, the disabled, and recipients of public assistance, as well as the "working poor" who are vulnerable to economic crises and have fallen between the cracks of other programs.
The Ministry is supported by local churches, synagogues, civic groups, private grants, and many individuals within our community. They provide financial support, volunteers, and donations of food, clothing, and other items. GCM works hard to give a hand-up not a hand-out.
Gainesville Community Ministry, with Godâs help, seeks to provide compassionate emergency care for those persons who cannot help themselves. We further seek to provide, through education and support, the kind of assistance that will encourage those who can be helped to end a cycle of poverty and despair.
ÂOrganization name
Gainesville Community Ministry Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family, Community, Humanitarian Aid
238 SW 4TH AVE gcmone@bellsouth.netPhone
(352) 372-8162