Genesys Works Bay Area

A nonprofit organization

22 donors

Too often in Silicon Valley and across the country, economically-disadvantaged students are not graduating high school, not going to college, and not being prepared for 21st century jobs. These students have potential, but often lack the opportunity, skills, and confidence that they can enter and compete in today's economy. At the same time, millions of entry-level jobs go unfilled. 

Geneys Works closes that gap. Here’s how it works: we identify and train motivated high school students in professional, technical, and communication skills in an intensive training program the summer after their junior year, then place them in meaningful year-long internships with leading companies in the Bay Area. We supplement their training and work experience with support to, and through, college. 

The impact is clear: 

- 100% graduate high school
- 95% matriculate to college
- 94% persist in college 

Join us today and bring life-changing opportunities to the Bay Area's underserved students! 

Genesys Works Bay Area is part of a national non-profit that has a thirteen year history of success in multiple U.S. markets. When Rafael Alvarez, a corporate strategist for Compaq Computer, was on a local school board in 2002, he was struck by the bleak prospects facing disadvantaged high school students at a time when companies like his were in need of new talent.  An idea emerged: train students in the IT services needed in large companies and place them as contracted workers. This would improve the prospects for low-income high school students while introducing a new stream of diverse talent to corporate America.  In 2002, Genesys Works was formed.  Starting with only 10 students and one corporate partner, it has grown to become a national organization serving over 2,000 students annually in 5 regions, and been recognized by President Obama and Forbes Magazine as leaders in social innovation. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Genesys Works Bay Area

Tax id (EIN)



Science, Tech & Business


101 2nd Street Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94612

