Organization name
Gainesville Fine Arts Association Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
1314 S Main StGAINESVILLE, FL 32601
After 93 years the GFAA has finally secured a permanent gallery and meeting space in which to carry out its mission. This marks a pivotal moment in its history and provides an exciting opportunity for the organization to positively impact the community. In the three months that the gallery has been open, the GFAA has grown considerably while working tirelessly to diversify its programs and membership. The feedback received thus far has been overwhelmingly positive and our goal is to keep this trend going. In so doing we have expanded our reach and services with a forward thinking, collaborative mindset.
Expansion has happened in the following ways: 1) The art gallery is free and open to the public 5 days a week, and is partially staffed by GFAA member volunteers; 2) Monthly rotating exhibits, opening receptions coinciding with Art Walk, and special events from outside artists and organizations; 3) Workshops and lectures throughout the year on various art-related subjects of interest; 4) A new partnership with the University of Florida (UF) Federal Work Study (FWS) Program brings on students of high academic standing and diverse cultural backgrounds to help staff the gallery, assist with events, and work with members on special projects; 5) A new scholarship through the UF College of Fine Arts at $2000/year to support emerging artists; and 6) Partnerships through UF Advertising and Fundraising classes which provides some useful marketing tools and fundraising ideas for the GFAA while providing hands-on experience for students.
With monthly events held in a regular location and the publicity that goes along with it, coupled with newly developed partnerships, we expect to draw greater visibility and increased interest in the organization, and to the Gainesville community as a whole. Over time we have continued to grow our relations between the University of Florida and Santa Fe College in order to encourage younger generations to get involved in our organization and the arts as a whole. All the judges in our monthly exhibits have been professors from UF or Santa Fe. Several marketing/advertising classes have used the GFAA in special projects which benefits both the students and the organization, providing a collaborative and creative opportunity. In April 2016 we held an exhibit with the seniors from the UF Ceramics department. The opening reception was packed and the enthusiasm high such that we have already scheduled the senior exhibit for next year. Outside art organizations have also expressed interest in using our space. The Colored Pencil Society of America will hold its state competition in March 2017. These new connections indicate a high level of interest, which we will continue to grow in the upcoming years.
The GFAAâs mission has been to foster and encourage the study of the visual arts through every medium. With the new gallery space we are able to carry out this mission at a higher level. Our aim is to challenge our members to grow in their art, while evolving in a way that engages our community and expands its reach by drawing in visitors from outside areas. As a nonprofit organization we rely heavily on donations from generous patrons such as yourself to carry out our mission. Your contribution will make a significant impact in our community as a whole.
Organization name
Gainesville Fine Arts Association Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
1314 S Main St