Berkeley Copwatch

A nonprofit organization

Founded in 1990, Berkeley Copwatch is an all-volunteer community organization that works towards police accountability by going out on Copwatch shifts and documenting police interactions with the community.

In addition to going on shifts, we conduct free trainings on how to document misconduct, how to assert our rights and how to support individuals and communities in addressing issues of police and the abuse of power. We provide advice and support to victims of police abuse, teach a class in Community Based Police Accountability through UC Berkeley and we take on issues of militarization of police, racial profiling and treatment of the homeless people in our town. In 2013 we received the Northern California Society of Professional Journalists' James Madison Freedom of Information Award for our use of the Public Records Act in opposing Berkeley police efforts to obtain an armored personnel carrier.

However, since all of our work is all-volunteer, Berkeley Copwatch cannot do this work without the support of the community. We need your help to maintain our ability to continue organizing around police misconduct.

Berkeley Copwatch, a project of Grassroots House

The Grassroots House Collective is a non-profit that collectively owns and operates an office building in Berkeley. This building at 2022 Blake Street houses important local organizations such as Berkeley Copwatch, the Green Party, the Prisoner's Literature Project, The International Solidarity Movement and the Industrial Workers of the World. It has also had a historic role in many of the progressive struggles coming out of the East Bay.

Organization Data


Organization name

Berkeley Copwatch

other names

a project of Grassroots House

Tax id (EIN)







(510) 548-0425

Social Media