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315 S Coast Hwy 101 Suite U-87ENCINITAS, CA 92024
The scientific breakthroughs are astounding, even jaw-dropping. What may be a preventive measure for cancer may also be an antidote for the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the Western World, including:
What is it? It's not a pharmaceutically designed molecule, it's a ray of sunshine, or more specifically, what a ray of sunshine produces - natural vitamin D.
Leading vitamin D researchers are already loaded with reams of scientific studies, and it's about time to aim this information at health professionals and the public. The challenge is, how to get accurate and authoritative information into eager hands? With the current phobia over sun exposure and medical textbooks mistakenly warning the public away from higher-dose vitamin D supplements, mis-information has abounded and confusion has resulted. Even doctors need first-hand instruction on safety and applications of vitamin D therapy.
Enter GrassrootsHealth, a non-profit organization founded in 2009 by Carole Baggerly to take the vitamin D message to the public and health professionals. With a panel of over 40 international Vitamin D researchers, they have developed a consensus statement for a recommended range of vitamin D blood concentration at 40-60 ng/ml.
GrassrootsHealth has developed the world's largest public health intervention study on vitamin D, tracking vitamin D serum levels in thousands of individuals and following their resulting health outcomes. Currently, GrassrootsHealth has the only research database in the world with such a large group of people who have serum levels in the 40-60 ng/ml (100-150 nmol/L) range; and we do not see any adverse events resulting from it!
Preliminary studies show vitamin D may be a godsend for a multitude of diseases, prehaps preventing them altogether. The question that arises is, why didn't this message get out sooner, and who is going to get this message to the right people?
For more information about vitamin D, and to see how you can help in this revolution, visit
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
315 S Coast Hwy 101 Suite U-87