Organization name
Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County Maryland
Tax id (EIN)
9110 Gaither Road #13Gaithersburg, MD 20877
In a spirit of collaboration and fellowship, Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County works with individuals, institutions, faith organizations, businesses, and the Habitat families themselves to build simple, decent, energy efficient, and affordable housing for those living in substandard conditions in our community.
HFH-MC is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. Since 1982, Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County has been partnering with the community and low-income families living in substandard conditions, to build simple, decent, affordable housing. To date, HFH-MC has served more than 62 local families. HFH-MC supports the notion that good, stable housing matters for neighborhoods. Better quality of living leads to stronger citizens and families. Habitat for Humanity is about changing lives, one home at a time.
Organization name
Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County Maryland
Tax id (EIN)
9110 Gaither Road #13