Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America

A nonprofit organization

5 donors

Choose Your Impact!

  • Hadassah Medical Organization

The network of Hadassah hospitals and clinics in Israel is independent.  Funds you donate support this vital program.  We serve all patients regardless of race, religion, nationality, policial party, or gender, and regardless of ability to pay. No one is turned away.  HMO is at the cutting edge of modern medical research and technological development, teaching doctors, nurses and other health professionals both in Israel and around the world.  Hadassah maintains an emergency ready-response team and equipment for field hospitals that has been crucial in providing healthcare in areas hit by disaster, such as Haiti.  None of this would be possible without your support.

  • Hadassah Academic College

Originally a women's college, our program is now fully egalitarian and provides higher education necessary for living in this high-tech job environment.  College is now no longer an option for young people, it is a necessity.  Your funds enable Hadassah College to provide low-cost yet highly sought-after degrees for people who might otherwise not be able to attend college.

  • US Initiatives (Women's Health & Advocacy)

Women's issues are still a core concern of Hadassah.  We provide educational programming for women around the world, leadership training, organization development skills, and women's health programming. Your funds help local, regional, and national initiatives to reach out to women and enable them to improve their lives.  Hadassah is a strong advocate for women's rights, women's higher education, women's healthcare, and women's economic power in places where women are often overlooked as productive members of society - as well as giving women the tools to reach their goals and dreams right here in the US. 

  • Youth Aliyah Villages

Hadassah supports residential facilities that provide top-notch care and education both for orphans, neglected and abused children, and for troubled youth who were not succeeding in their old environments.  Giving youth a home, good food, companionship and mentoring gives them a great start on life - a foundation that will carry them forever.  Your funds help make this possible. 

  • Young Judaea

This program provides scholarships and facilities for regional Jewish summer camps throughout the United States, as well as providing scholarships for Year Course residential educational program in Israel for American students, visits to Israel for youth who have never been, and opportunities for youth leadership training and education.  Hadassah's only program targeted to American Jewish youth hopes to strengthen social, cultural and religious ties to Israel and to the worldwide disapora. 

These are examples of the programs that the Lexington Chapter of Hadassah loves and supports with our fundraising.  Join us as we make the world a better place:  one sick child, one troubled youth, one aspiring young graduate, and one empowered woman at a time.

Thank you for participating in KY Gives Day! 

Organization Data


Organization name

Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America

Tax id (EIN)



Education,  Health


Lexington, IL 40515