Ability Dogs of Arizona

A nonprofit organization

39 donors

To some a dog is just an animal, to others a dog is a bridge to a life worth living. 

Ability Dogs of Arizona is dedicated to helping older adults and people with disabilities gain independence and improve their quality of life through specialized training of dogs, while advocating for the important role of service dogs.

Ability Dogs of Arizona helps train dogs to assist people with a wide spectrum of disabilities, including but not limited to:

  • Parital of Full Hearing Loss - dogs alert to fire alarms, timers, their person's name being called.
  • Diabetes - dogs alert their person to significant low's and high's in their glucose levels
  • Mobility Challenges - dogs retrieve walkers and canes, pick up keys, open doors, turn on/off lights, brace to help a person stand, provide stability while walking, and more.
  • PTSD & Anxiety - dogs become 'barriers' between their person and others, find an exit, interrupt a negative behavior.
  • Autism - dogs provide deep pressure stimulation and calm anxiety.

Ability Dogs of Arizona utilizes an owner-trained, positive reinforcement model for its service dog training program. This method provides added benefits to clients as they play a very active role in their own dog’s training.New clients often begin their first day of class hesitantly. As many people with disabilities tend to isolate themselves, they often are shy, introverted, and not used to being in a social setting – especially with strangers. Their confidence in their ability to do something new, let alone train their dog, is low.

As the weeks of training progress, the success in the dogs learning desired behaviors is witnessed, but just as important, the clients’ self-confidence increases and their zest for living an active life within the community blossoms. Successfully training their dog often becomes the catalyst that lets our clients know they have the ability to take on new challenges and embrace life with a newfound spirit.

Ability Dogs also offers therapy dog training. Handlers eventually take their registered therapy dogs to visit patients in hospitals, assisted living facilities, hospice care, and many other places. These visits bring joy and comfort, helping people forget about their pain and providing a welcome distraction from feelings of isolation or worry. Thousands of our neighbors are touched by these caring and well-trained human/dog team volunteers.

In addition to service and therapy dog training, Ability Dogs provides affordable dog training classes for senior handlers. Research indicates that seniors who have dogs live healthier lives. Blood pressure and anxiety are lowered, and endorphins and oxytocin are released when petting a dog, which can be especially important for seniors who may feel alone or depressed.

Furthermore, as dogs need to be walked, having a dog often stimulates exercise. The need to feed and tend to their dog can also be the critical impetus for a lonely senior to get up every day and to have an ongoing sense of purpose.

Organization Data


Organization name

Ability Dogs of Arizona

other names

Handi-Dogs, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



Animals Health


TUCSON, AZ 85710


520326 3412