Healthcare Reparations Cooperative

A nonprofit organization

9 donors

63% complete

$1,500 Goal

The Healthcare Reparations Cooperative is a strategic organization whose work is to dismantle dominant narratives and structures related to the medical industrial complex while expanding the possibilities for what health, healing, medicine, and public health can be. We are dedicated to: 

  • Establishing an independent system for health and healing that uncouples racial capitalism from health.

  • Integrating systemic and interpersonal healthcare reparations and resource redistribution into the current systems of health that perpetuate harm for society’s most oppressed communities. 

  • Catalyzing community-driven research through an intellectual cooperative structure so communities have authentic space to shape and hold their narratives and solutions. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Healthcare Reparations Cooperative




1919 Nicollet Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55403