Healthy Teen Network Inc

A nonprofit organization

19 donors

Our Mission

Healthy Teen Network builds capacity among professionals and organizations through education, advocacy, and networking so that they can assist all adolescents and young adults, including teen parents, to have access to the services and education that allow them to make responsible choices about childbearing and family formation, and are supported and empowered to lead healthy sexual, reproductive, and family lives.


Our Vision

Healthy Teen Network envisions a national community where all adolescents and young adults, including teen parents, are supported and empowered to lead healthy sexual, reproductive, and family lives.


Our Values

  • In order to be prepared to fully participate in modern life, adolescents and young adults need generous opportunities to pursue education and other enrichments—opportunities which are enhanced by delaying and spacing childbearing.
  • Society has an obligation to support all adolescents and young adults, including teen parents, because all young people deserve the opportunity to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.  
  • Both male and female adolescents and young adults, including teen parents, given appropriate, accurate, and evidence-based comprehensive education, are capable of and responsible for making informed decisions about sexuality, pregnancy, and parenting.
  • All adolescents and young adults, including teen parents, deserve access to contraceptive services, and if pregnant, to full options counseling and services.
  • With caring support and resources, adolescents and young adults can be effective parents and successful adults.
  • Programs, support, and services must build on the strengths of young people and be inclusive of all adolescents and young adults, including teen parents, and relevant to their social, cultural, and economic circumstances.

Organization Data


Organization name

Healthy Teen Network Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Education,  Health,  Children & Family


1501 St. Paul Street Suite 124
Baltimore, MD 21202