Childcare has been a need in our community and will help bring economic opportunities for young families considering to move to Holyoke or locals wanting to return to the workforce. This childcare will help by providing a safe and reliable atmosphere for kids, build the future of our children and help prepare them for our school system.
We are asking you to please consider investing into this opportunity for the future of our community
2017 Start of HCCI
- Group of concerned business owners came together because of a workforce issue.
- Became a board driven non-profit 501(c) 3 that will be privately owned and operated. It will be ran with state and private funding, along with family tuition.
2017 Feasibility Study and Survey Results
- Daycare “Desert,” 96% said they would support a daycare
2018-2019 Administration DOLA Grant
- RFP Building design and construction- Mike Smith Contractor
2019 1st Capital Campaign
- Raised $400,000 locally in 6 months before COVID hit.
2021 Grant Writing and Funding
- Currently total raised $1.6 Million-Received $500,000 from Shawn and Kristi O’Neal along with private foundations such as $400,000 from Buell Foundation and $100,000 from Heginbotham Trust.
- Applied for DOLA Energy Impact Grant in September 2021 but didn’t receive because we didn’t have all cash in hand ready to break ground.
2022 Land Development
- Excessive cost of infrastructure on MMH land so we started to explore options.
- Purchase of the southwest First Baptist Church land approved by the congregation.
HCCI design
- 11,500 sq. ft. building serving over 100 kids birth to school age. 2 Infant Rooms (20 infants), 2 Toddler Rooms (30 Toddlers), 2 Pre-K Room (40 Pre-K), Multipurpose Area and After-School Opportunities (20 afterschool). Full Commercial Kitchen, Separate Playgrounds, Basement- Storm Shelter and Fire Sprinkler. Creating 16 FTE jobs.
Estimated Financial Goals- $3.2 Million Project
- Received DOLA grant for $1.2 million in July 2023
- Begin Construction as soon as we have ALL money in hand and signed contract!!!
- Funds still needing raised for contingency, furniture, supplies, staff etc.