Humane Society of Washington County Incorporated

A nonprofit organization

110 donors

In January 2013, a man tearfully entered our shelter with a large leashed dog in each hand.  He explained that he was here to surrender these two dogs because he was in the middle of a painful divorce.  He and his former wife had 4 dogs in their family and she was only going to keep the 2 younger dogs.  This left the gentlemen, who traveld 75% of the time due to work, alone with two 9 year old dogs.  He had no other choice and felt that it was best to give the dogs to the HSWC and pray that they find a new home.  Buster and Chloe then entered our shelter.

It was not long before the entire staff fell in love with this couple.  Buster and Chloe were absolute best friends and could not bare to be separated.  If a staff member took Chloe for a walk, then Buster had to follow her.  He would wimper until she returned.  If one dog was taken outside for a picture, then the other had to follow closely.  We soon realized that these dogs were not only best friends, but truly a husband and wife team.  We knew that the damage of adopting them out to the public separately would be detrimental to each dog.  So our staff made the dangerous decision of requesting these dogs be adopted together.

Our marketing team began to push each dog on our TV and social media outlets.  However, the whole staff was scared that we would never find the right home.  We were truly asking alot of an adopter.  We needed to find a family that would be willing to adopt two large, older dogs.  How could we find someone who would open their hearts and homes to these special dogs?

Then on March 25th, a couple entered our shelter looking for a new dog to add to their family.  Our Customer Service staff immediately ran to Buster and Chloe and told the couple just how special these dogs were to the entire shelter.  Within the hour the couple decided to take Chloe and Buster into the home and the dogs left our shelter together, where they can spend the rest of their days in happiness. 

Our shelter was able to save the lives of these two dogs and hopefully change the lives of the adopted parents forever.  Under different circumstances, these dogs may have been shot, abused, or let go into the wild where their future would have been grim.  However, the original owner understood the importance of the Humane Society of Washington County's mission and instead he made the correct choice by giving them to our care.

The Humane Society of Washington County's mission statement is:

"The Humane Society of Washington County, Inc. exists to improve the quality of life for all animals.  Through education, legislation, action and leadership, we strive to eliminate overpopulation and to foster an environment of respect, responsibility and compassion."

This is idea is truly what guides every staff member when we enter the HSWC on a daily basis.  Every living creature that walks through our doors is treated with the respect, love and compassion it deserves.  Every dollar we raise is done for the good of the animals.  We are the voice for those that cannot speak themselves.


Organization Data


Organization name

Humane Society of Washington County Incorporated

Tax id (EIN)






