Idaho Falls Rescue Mission

A nonprofit organization

$1,555 raised by 17 donors

     At Idaho Falls Rescue Mission, we care about those who are hungry, homeless and helpless because they are people made in God's image.

     Our purpose is to provide emergency shelter, meals, clothing and essential services to homeless men, women and children. We offer case management to all who choose to stay with us. This includes life directional counseling, and referrals for educational, employment, medical and disability needs.

     The ARK and Ruth House provide opportunity for our residents to live in longer term transitional housing to help them get reestablished in the community.

     FAITH provides transitional housing for families with children.

     City of Refuge provides emergency housing for adult men and Evergreen Emergency Shelter houses adult women and women with children.

     City of Refuge’s efforts in community outreach include providing an evening meal, showers, use of laundry machines, food boxes, clothing vouchers and hygiene items to anyone within the community in need.

     We make our impact through rescue, recovery and restoration of people in desperate need.

     Rescue: Meeting homeless individuals and families at their point and time of need, we provide safe and sober housing, along with food and clothing.

     Recovery: We offer Biblically based Licensed Clinical Professional counseling. We also help with life skills training and direct our residents to other sources of assistance in the community.

     Restoration: We provide case management to help residents learn how to develop healthy life and work habits to better manage their lives. We assist them in making contacts throughout the Idaho Falls community as they rebuild their lives and prepare to live as productive, contributing members of the community.

     Our success in leading others to a clean, sober and meaningful life is made possible by your donations and support -- and those of other individuals, businesses, churches and organizations who share our concern for the homeless.         

     The number of homeless men, women and children we serve increases every year. Last year we provided some 32,000 nights of shelter and 36,000 meals plus food boxes, clothing, blankets and other items to those in need.

     Your generous giving makes YOU a partner in the good we do -- and we thank you for your support and involvement!

Organization Data


Organization name

Idaho Falls Rescue Mission

Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid




(208) 552-5575