Immigration Counseling Service (ICS)

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$2,000 Goal

Immigration Counseling Service (ICS) works to achieve equity and justice for immigrants and their families by providing accessible services to uphold their legal rights. ICS brings immigrant voices and experiences to the decision-making table, and we honor and respect the contributions made by immigrants to keep our economy strong and our communities vibrant. 

ICS has a strong history in serving people who have been marginalized not only by mainstream U.S. society and institutions but within their immigrant communities as well. We recognize the intersectionality of issues facing immigrants, especially LGBTQ+ youth, who often face extreme violence or threats of violence when seeking asylum. ICS has strong connections to the LGBTQ+ community and partners with queer-focused organizations to ensure access to services for LGBTQ+ immigrants. 

Founded in 1978, ICS is Oregon’s oldest, and only, independent nonprofit law firm providing low-cost and pro bono immigration legal services. After four years of almost daily assaults on immigrant rights, recent changes issued by the Biden Administration have opened pathways to legal status and provided hope for immigrants living in the shadows. Many are stepping forward and asking for assistance from established, trusted legal service providers like ICS to help them navigate those pathways and protect their newfound hope. 

This year, we are fundraising $5,000 to continue our critical work helping LGBTQ+ immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers attain legal status, access basic services, and build community in Oregon and southwest Washington. Our funding partner, the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, is generously matching donations. Your gift today will go twice as far to help deliver hope and security to our immigrant and refugee neighbors.

Organization Data


Organization name

Immigration Counseling Service (ICS)

Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid


519 SW Park Avenue, Suite #610



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