International Medical Health Organization Imho Corporation

A nonprofit organization

38 donors


IMHO was founded on principles of humanitarianism and neutrality in 2004 by a volunteer group of committed doctors and other professionals across the US that shared a vision for improved global health and medical care. IMHO aims to improve health care across the globe for those in need, by identifying health needs and providing resources & training to address those needs. We believe in empowering communities to build their own health systems, improve overall health, and respond to health needs as they arise. IMHO frequently partners with local and international non-governmental organizations to better channel assistance to needy populations. Our work is focused in the areas of Primary Care & Public Health, Health Education & Training, and Capacity-Building. In 2008, IMHO grew with the addition of IMHO Canada, which now serves as an independent organization that coordinates efforts closely with IMHO USA. In late 2010, IMHO Lanka and IMHO European Union were officially launched as well, marking a new frontier in the growth of the organization. IMHO USA is a registered USAID Private Voluntary Organization and a member of InterAction, the largest conglomeration of US-based relief & development agencies.


Due to the unique nature of the organization, IMHO is primarily focused on impoverished and disadvantaged regions of Sri Lanka, where marginalized populations have endured conflict, poverty, and other hardships. IMHO works through an extensive network of contacts on the ground, including local doctors, health care officials, and other grassroots organizations in identifying health needs, and then providing resources and training to accommodate those needs. However, the organization has also directly taken on projects in Ethiopia and India recently. Over the years IMHO has also contributed to emergency relief and development efforts in Burma, Bangladesh, DR Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka, and the US.


  • IMHO is strictly a non-political, non-religious, charitable nonprofit committed to humanitarian principles.
  • Using an extensive network of personal and professional contacts on the ground, we are able to deliver aid and work on development projects with great success, particularly in Sri Lanka.
  • IMHO has a very committed base of volunteers and supporters who share the organization’s vision and frequently get actively involved.
  • As a grassroots organization with a keen understanding of ground realities and logistics, and a willingness to commit time and energy, IMHO is extremely well-suited to deliver aid and to implement development projects in Sri Lanka, as evidenced by past accomplishments.

Organization Data


Organization name

International Medical Health Organization Imho Corporation

Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid


955 Proprietors Road, Suite B
Worthington, OH 43085