Chapel Hill-Carrboro Human Rights Center Inc

A nonprofit organization

$9,080 raised by 60 donors

Newly arrived refugees and their children often fall through the socioeconomic cracks of American society. Due to language barriers, unfamiliarity with sociocultural norms and systems, and past trauma, refugee families face unique barriers to rebuilding life after resettlement. As a result,  gaps between resettled families and the services and resources available to them are widening, and chronic disengagement with these communities is perpetuating their isolation.

Migrant families lack the meaningful support needed to navigate their new communities, and local service providers, agencies, elected officials, and residents are unfamiliar with the unique needs–and assets– of these populations. Connection to social support, consistent cultural fulfillment, and culturally-relevant services and resources upon arrival are directly correlated with improved social and institutional outcomes among refugee families.

After identifying gaps in the support services available to migrant families and the resulting inequities that befall them, refugee community leaders and town residents founded the Refugee Community Partnership. We are a community-driven organization working to build unique, holistic, and comprehensive support infrastructure for relocated families.


Organization Data


Organization name

Chapel Hill-Carrboro Human Rights Center Inc

Tax id (EIN)





PO BOX 461