Inspired by the life of tiny Jackson Lee Graves, who passed away after more than four months in the NICU, James and Angie Graves created this Foundation in order to support neonatal intensive care and the services and programs that are provided to families of these babies.
The Jackson L. Graves Foundation ( funds numerous projects, which vary depending on specific needs of a particular location. The following is a sample of current and past projects:
• Provide toys, books, clothes, toiletries and other items for infants and toddlers, as well as their families.
• Funding for research into recurring conditions that cause long term hospital stays for infants.
• Funding of specialized training/education for care of long term infant patients.
• Purchase of modern NICU communications and noise monitoring equipment
• Creation of resource library for parents and families of hospitalized infants.
• Purchase of comfort items such as music players and nursing chairs
• Support for popular stress-relief programs such as scrapbooking groups
The Jackson L. Graves Foundation has also made a longer-term pledge at Arkansas Children's Hospital to fund a new private room for babies requiring longer stays, and also to fund a new sibling play area adjacent to the family waiting room.
The mission of the Foundation is to provide funding devoted to the delivery of, study of, effects of, and research of innovative neonatal intensive care and long-term neonatal and/or pediatric intensive care, and the amelioration of the effects such care causes to families of children in need of such care, with a focus on projects with a potential for high impact that may not otherwise be funded or considered.