Japanese Language School of Raleigh

A nonprofit organization

143 donors

ロー リー日本語補習学校は、アメリカのノースカロライナ州にあり、幼稚園から高校までおよそ200名の生徒が在籍しております。補習校は、全日制の日本人学校 とは異なり、土曜日のみ開校していますので、生徒たちは平日はアメリカの現地の学校に通い、日本語での授業を受けるために毎週土曜日に補習校に通っていま す。

小さい頃からアメリカにいれば、自然と英語が話せるようになると思われている方も多いと思いますが(当校の保護者の多くも初めはそういう理解でおり ました)、2つの言語を習得するには、単純に2倍の努力を求められるというのが現実です。現地校での言語の壁、孤独を乗り越え、日本語での学習をするため に毎週土曜日も頑張って登校している子どもたちに、できるだけ良い学習の環境を提供するというのが当校の設立目的の一つです。


現在はセント・メアリースクールという現地 の高校の敷地・教室を土曜日のみ借りて授業を実施しております。高校の校舎を借りておりますので、幼稚部・低学年は椅子や机のサイズがあわなかったり、図 書館など教室以外のスペースが限られていたり、中庭でのボール遊びが禁止されていたり、色々な制約があります。




<Establish a Better Japanese Language Learning Environment>
Students attend local schools during the standard school week and then attend the JLSR on Saturday to study Japanese Language and Math Skills, which are taught completely in Japanese.
Most students face everyday challenges with language barriers and cultural differences at their local schools and learning to master both languages, Japanese and English, requires a lot of effort.  One of our mission’s goals is to provide a better Japanese Language learning environment for these students.


<Challenges for the Japanese Language School>
JLSR rents our classroom and school space from St. Mary's High School only on Saturdays.  There are many restrictions, which make it difficult to provide the very best learning environment for our students, such as the standard size of the desks and chairs, which are not a good fit for our smaller kindergarten and elementary students.

Also the size and space allocated for our library is very limited. The monthly fixed costs for the school facilities account for the largest portion of our total annual budget, which limits our ability to allocate sufficient funding for improvements to the learning environment for our students.


<More Japanese Books for our Students>
One of the most enjoyable times for our students is the opportunity to visit the library and check out various Japanese books each week. 
However, our library space is very limited and therefore the number of books is also very limited.  This is one area that we are willing to make additional investment in order to provide a much better and wider selection of Japanese books for our students.

Organization Data


Organization name

Japanese Language School of Raleigh

Tax id (EIN)



Education International
