The Junior League of Columbus, GA, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$178 raised by 7 donors

3% complete

$7,000 Goal


The Junior League of Columbus has been empowering women, strengthening communities, and improving lives for 85 years.  The Junior League is a non-profit organization of women whose purpose is to positively impact the community of Columbus, GA.  To do this, the League sponsors a variety of educational programs and fund-raising events throughout the year to support its local initiative, The Healthy Child.

The Junior League of Columbus is a part of the Association of Junior Leagues International, which has Junior Leagues in four countries: Canada, England, Mexico, and the United States.   The mission statement of the League says that The Junior League of Columbus is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

The educational programs and fund-raising events of the Junior League include Kids in the Kitchen, Project Prom, Teens Who Care, the Junior League Diaper Bank, Lakebottom 5K, and Character Breakfast. Members are advocates as part of the State Public Affairs Committee of the Junior Leagues of Georgia. The Junior League of Columbus is especially proud of its 30 years of support as a Partner in Education with Wynnton Arts Academy.

The committed volunteers of the Junior League of Columbus appreciate your support!  



Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

The Junior League of Columbus, GA, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



Community Volunteer




(706) 327-4207

Social Media