We are excited to share that Polk Burnett, Frandsen Bank and Trust, White Bear Machine, Edward Jones, and two anonymous donors have pledged to match a total of $4,700 in donations!

Now, more than ever, young people need to be supported. Anxiety, depression, an increased digital life, and social isolation are negatively impacting our youth. Kinship works alongside a team of mentors who are dependable, stable, and consistent support for the youth we serve. The demand for mentoring is high and continues to rise. Currently, there are 19 youth waiting for a caring and committed mentor. Your financial support will enable the Kinship program to continue providing vital relationships that offer opportunities for increased health and well-being to the youth in our community.

Children need support and guidance from caring adults to assist them in the work of growing into productive, responsible adults. Kinship mentors offer youth healthy and meaningful relationships. This positive support helps to prevent youth from turning toward risky, unhealthy behavior for identification and recreational purposes.

Research confirms that regular, long-standing relationships with adults are critical to healthy child development. Children who regularly have positive interactions with adults are more likely to regulate behavior, respond to adversity, and thrive.

2023 STATISTICS: Kinship served 369 youth in the school-based and community-based programs, and Kinship mentors volunteered 8,838 hours to mentoring. Recruiting high-quality volunteer mentors who will contribute to increased resiliency and provide the building blocks necessary for health and well-being is a constant and timely process. Kinship relies on the generosity of the community to provide the funds necessary to support our work.
"Every child who winds up doing well has had at least one stable and
committed relationship with a supportive adult."
- The Center on the Developing Child

Thank you to all who believe in our vital work.
Your support allows us to continue to inspire friendships
and make connections that change lives.
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