LINC Houston

A nonprofit organization

111 donors


LINC Missions

LINC Houston as a mission organization sees the need for new and healthy faith communities across the city among our ethnic and urban neighborhoods.  We seek to develop new churches that are self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting.


  • Plant and develop new missions across the city among a variety of ethnic groups and communities.
  • Raise up and equip leaders to plant new missions, evangelize new people groups and minister to the needs of new communities.



LINC Community Services

LINC is also a substantial community services organization that works for the well-being of the ethnic communities of Houston. Our purpose is to transform the community with the love of God through our churches, community service, and leadership development. We seek to build up communities and individuals through needs based programs that minister to the whole person and work toward building sustainable communities without destroying the dignity of the individual in need.


Organization Data


Organization name

LINC Houston

Tax id (EIN)



Economic Development Humanitarian Aid


HOUSTON, TX 77037-1144