Literacy Connects

A nonprofit organization

31 donors

Literacy is not just the ability to read and write — it is the bedrock upon which each of us builds our lives.  Literacy Connects is dedicated to the concept that all of us can be lifelong learners. Our multi-faceted programs helped more than 45,000 people last year in the greater Tucson region, from babies to adults! Our efforts are aimed at increasing school success, self-empowerment, and the employability of our workforce. We are working at a root-cause level to strengthen our community, one life at a time...but we can’t do it without the support of individual donors.

“What your programs are doing in Tucson is visionary.  They are creating a national model I hope others will follow.” — Dave Harvey, former President & CEO of ProLiteracy

Literacy Connects’ core value is to meet learners where they are and provide individualized, research-based instruction that best serves each student’s needs because everyone who wants to learn should have the opportunity to do so. Our core work is to support, supplement and strengthen our educational systems through a focused community response which includes high-impact volunteer engagement and creative expression.

Because of your support, we are able to deliver our services through four key programs:

  • Reach Out and Read Southern Arizona prepares children from birth to age 5 to succeed in school by partnering with doctors to prescribe free books to patients, provide early literacy coaching for parents, and encourage families to read together.


“I enjoy taking that extra step to help influence the lives of my patients. Seeing their reactions when I give them a book brings a smile to my face every time.”  — Dr. Sanders of University Medical Center on being a part of Reach Out and Read Southern Arizona

  • Reading Seeds Childrens Literacy Program recruits and trains volunteer reading coaches to work one-on-one with students in kindergarten through 3rd grade who are reading below grade level, so that they can develop skills and gain confidence. Free and appropriate books are also loaned or given to teachers and students who need them.


“This is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.  It is always uplifting.”  — Anne Blacher, Reading Seed Coach at Pueblo Gardens Elementary

  • Stories That Soar! has three interconnected components that empower students from K-12 to experience the transformative power of writing, as their stories are shared through theatre, visual arts, and handcrafted books.


“When I saw my story being performed I was nervous and excited because everyone was watching me.  I want to write more so it happens again!”  — 5th grader after seeing her story performed by Stories that Soar!

  • Literacy Volunteers of Tucson recruits and trains volunteer tutors to teach adults to read, write and speak English, as well as improve their math and study skills. Their programs have been nationally accredited since 1961.


“I’m proud of myself because I went to my son’s doctor and I had to speak English the whole time. It was the first time I didn’t need a translator.  After, I thought, ‘Wow,I did it!’”  — Carolina, Literacy Volunteers English student


 “Since I learned to read, I feel like I have moved from a dark cloudy world to a whole new Technicolor place that is bright with possibilities.”  — Literacy Volunteers Basic Literacy Student

Although 65% of AZ preschoolers receive no preschool instruction, 70% of our 3rd graders are reading below the proficient level, and AZ leads in high school dropout rates, we have seen how lives can be transformed through participation in our continuum of services.

We ask you to join in our commitment to raise awareness and help grow our programs. It is crucial that the general public understand why literacy is a wise investment, how it impacts families and future generations, and what the return on this investment can mean for the economy and overall well-being of our community.

Please help us envision a community where every child graduates from high school, the crime and poverty rates are the lowest in the nation, a skilled workforce fosters a thriving economy, and the lively arts and culture environment is second to none!

Organization Data


Organization name

Literacy Connects

Tax id (EIN)



Education Children & Family


TUCSON, AZ 85705


(520) 882-8006