Living Seeds Initiative

A nonprofit organization

51 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

Restoring Hope for the Generations.  

Living seeds Initiative works toward generational transformation by enlightening, equipping and empowering people to engage in the complex issues of hunger, poverty and natural resource stewardship through Biblical based Agriculture and Development training.

Lasting transformation comes when individuals, families and communities view life as a journey of discovery, approach life as learners, and apply biblical truths to the ever changing and dynamic world around them.  

Using a participatory approach combining classroom theory, group processing, and hands on learning we address long held farming practices, traditions, and beliefs that deplete soils, advance desertification and lead to crops which struggle to survive. Families are held in bondage to hunger and poverty all while working very hard for very little.  

Trainings facilitate the opportunity to discover, learn, experience, and practice a new way of life.  Participants learn organic regenerative methods of agriculture, wrestle with cultural barriers to change , grow in relationship with God, and become equipped to restore their land, succeed in their own family farms and multiply what they have learned to their neighbors.

Collaborating globally, viewing life and agriculture through the eyes of a loving, merciful and creative God, we believe in the potential of man restored to his Creator, others and creation is the greatest hope for positive change living toward God’s intended purposes.

Your generosity helps facilitate generational transformation.  Thank You.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Living Seeds Initiative

Tax id (EIN)



Education Community Economic Development


PO BOX 296
VAN, TX 75790