Organization name
Loma Linda University
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family
11092 Anderson Ave PH 5506LOMA LINDA, CA 92354
(909) 558-7283
The Loma Linda University School of Dentistry Pediatric Department treats children with mouth pain regardless of ability to pay. No child is left in pain! Since 1953, LLU School of Dentistry has been graduating well-prepared dentists who serve their communities with optimal oral healthcare. LLUSD dental students contribute to the community through many hours of service learning that prepares them for a lifetime of service to patients, community, and profession. LLUSD continues to expand on its heritage of service to the underserved, providing oral healthcare and education to communities with limited or no access to dental services. We are committed to preparing graduates for service to the world beyond our communities of origin with culturally sensitive, professional healthcare. Thank you for helping the children in our community by considering LLUSD Pediatric Dentistry as the non-profit you support. Cavities are preventable. Please remember to brush and floss daily.
Organization name
Loma Linda University
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family
11092 Anderson Ave PH 5506Phone
(909) 558-7283