Organization name
Lost Orphans International
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 1388Mc Kinney, TX 75070
LOI started in 2006 when John and Christine Nguyen saw first-hand the plight of the children in Vietnam.
Today in Vietnam there are an estimated 58 abortions for every 100 known pregnancies.
LOI is an advocate for children from conception to adulthood.
Conception/Pre-Birth Stage - LOI's House of Love Pregnancy Resource Center works with many birth-moms, who come from all areas of Vietnam, sharing the loving alternatives to abortion.
Birth to 18 years of age - LOI's House of Love is home to many beautiful children. Most of these children are blessed to have incredible birth-moms who chose life and hope for their children instead of abortion.
Post-High School/Adulthood - LOI works to make sure each child has a successful transition from "home-life" to being on their own as a productive citizen, breaking the cycle of poverty and abortion in Vietnam.
Organization name
Lost Orphans International
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 1388Phone