Organization name
Luther Heights Bible Camp
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Faith
"Just wanted to send a note of thanks to you and the staff for the wonderful experience we had this past week at Luther Heights. In my one on ones with students on the bus on our way home i heard story after story of the adventure, fun and connection they felt at Luther Heights. The shared how the worships connected in ways they have never experienced through other worship settings. They talked about how Bible Studies made sense and how they'd never really thought about the seasons of faith and church and how helpful it had been. They loved all the activities and even the things that some felt challendged by were now reflected upon as a positive experience and one they were glad to have had. More than anything I heard stories about counselors. Your staff had an incredible impact on our students. They were available, interested, caring and compassionate and just plain examples of God's light and love.
I've taken students to others camps and on other advventures but we always return to Luther Heights because of the way you all live out Christ's love through community and help others to find God in that community and in the creation all around them. There isn't an experience that tops the time set apart at Luther Heights....You all watered seeds this week and although you may never know the final product I can tell you i have witnessed the growth first hand already!" MN Youth/Family Director
"When I came to camp for the first time as a 7th grader, I never dreamed that the experience I would have would be more than my friends had ever told me and more than I could have imagined. Church had always been a large part of my life, but when i came to Camp, God's word and the message of Jesus Christ was alive for me, in teh mountains and worships and activities and counselors. I decided from then on, camp had to be part of my life. Fore the past five years i have been a camper, camphand, even once a counselor, dedicating as much of my summer as i can to helping campers have their very own life-changing camp experience. I went to camp to make a difference and to change lives, but the beautiful thing is how much i changed myself. Living in a community of fellow Christians who live their lives for the honor and glory of God removes the distractions of daily life. God's presence fills every conversation, every relationship, every moment. The summers I spend at camp are truly some of the happiest times of my life because i no longer have the distracdtions of my home life, and God's glory shines, whether i am swimming in Alturas, tie-dying with the people I love, or signing camp songs during worship under the stars. Luther Heights has blessed my life and filled me with the knowledge that God is present in my life and His love is stronger than anything else. It is my hope that campers for many years following can have a similar life-changing experience, and their lives may be blessed as well." (former camper/counselor)
"I love, love love it. I don't think there is any better place to go to renew yourself and your faith. When I was at Luther Heights this week I felt God's presence everywhere. Up at Camp I felt like God was with me every step I took and every dance I did. :) I felt like God really touched me up at camp this year. I think He had me meet new friends for a reason. I think God was sending me a wake up call and giving me a push on the back telling me to go find that there are others like me. he was telling me that I need to stop tweaking certain characteristics of mine to fit in with my closest group of friends. God was showing me that people do love you and want to be friends with you, for you and not for someone who covers and hides themselves. I really came out of my shell this week and i couldn't thank God more." (former camper)
Organization name
Luther Heights Bible Camp
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Faith