Marsing Senior Citizens Inc

A nonprofit organization

1 donor

The Marsing "Home Delivered Meals" program provides hot meals and human companionship to shut INs in Marsing and the surrounding areas. The program not only provides them with a nutritious meal but also and maybe just as important, personal contact 4 days a week. Our "Home Delivered Meals" drivers always have a few minutes they can devote to visiting with the shut INs or to help them with small tasks around the house such as bringing in the mail or paper, changing light bulbs, replacing batteries in medical equipment, bringing in fuel for the stove, and many other small things that are very difficult for seniors to do.

There have been numerous times when the driver finds the senior has fallen and needs help getting up, more often than we like the seniors have been found in need of immediate medical treatment and our driver callls an ambulance. The drivers have found senior's homes wihtout heat, cooling, electricity and other unsafe conditions and make the necessary calls to get the matter taken care of. Many of the people served by "Home Delivered Meals" would be unable to continue staying in their homes without the service provided by this program.

The Marsing Senior Center has been providing "Home Delivered Meals" for nearly 40 years; we serve between 21-25 people per day with hot meals Monday through Thursday and frozen meals for the other three days. Now due to the economic times of the past few years the Senior Center's funds have been getting tighter and tighter and we are faced with needing help from the community to continue this vital service to the shut INs in our area.

We thank you for your consideration of our service as your decide to support "Idaho Gives"

Organization Data


Organization name

Marsing Senior Citizens Inc

Tax id (EIN)





PO BOX 481

