Organization name
Mission Economic Development Agency
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Economic Development
Strengthening Entrepreneurs, Affordable Housing and the Health of Our Mission District Community
DONATE one time or on a recurring basis. MATCH the joy of donating through your employer. IN-KIND education supplies such as computers and books are always appreciated.
— 2020 —
At the start of the COVID-19 crisis, MEDA pivoted its approach to focus on areas hit hardest by the pandemic such as Income, Business and Housing. MEDA provided aid in wage loss, prevented clients’ businesses from closing and kept families sheltered.
— 2022 —
Three priority areas of equitable recovery:
1. Small Business Success
This past year MEDA delivered rapid-response outreach, including the launching of a series of funds with our partners that will have a direct and indirect positive impact on small businesses such as the Right to Recover Fund, the San Francisco Family Relief Fund and the San Francisco Hardship Emergency Loan Program (SF HELP).
2021 By the numbers:
Listen to this success story from MEDA client, Fredy Gamez:
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2. Affordable Housing
MEDA’s Housing Action, Community Real Estate, and Mission Promise Neighborhood teams continue to provide free and essential housing services such as bilingual counseling on below-market-rate (BMR) rental applications, first-time homebuyers workshops, increasing the stock of affordable rental housing and preserving affordable rental opportunities.
2021 By the numbers:
Listen to this success story from MEDA/Mission Promise Neighborhood clients, Arold and Samuel Hernández:
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3. Vaccination Awareness
To mitigate and prevent COVID-19 among the uniquely vulnerable Latino immigrant community in San Francisco, MEDA is partnering with local health agencies to design, coordinate and implement a marketing & communications outreach campaign, "Las Tres Tías," to raise awareness of the COVID-19 vaccine in the Latino and immigrant community. MEDA's Promotoras team, or bilingual community outreach workers, will help educate communities that have been the hardest to reach.
Compelling reasons for the launch of this campaign:
Here are three ways you can help MEDA realize
1. Donation: Even if you have never been in direct contact with MEDA’s services, chances are good you've benefited from our presence: our clients contribute to the vibrant cuisine and visual culture in the Mission District. Hit the 'donate' button to make a one-time or recurring donation.
2. Matching: We make it easy to double the impact of your gift! Just select this link and you'll be guided through the quick steps. Unsure if your employer has a gift-matching program? We've made that easy too with our search engine of participating employers.
3. In-Kind: MEDA is always planning for the educational future of its clients. Accordingly, education supplies such as computers and books are always appreciated. Please contact Cassandra Cisneros for more information on how to make an In-Kind gift at
In order to fulfill our mission, MEDA relies on financial support from various sources as well as partnerships with entities from a range of sectors. However, acceptance of support or collaboration does not necessarily represent alignment with all of the opinions, positions, views, or investments of our partners, sponsors, or public and private funders/donors. We maintain independence and adherence to our core values at all times. We are also involved in ongoing efforts to share our perspectives and positions on actions and policies that promote equity for the communities we serve.
Organization name
Mission Economic Development Agency
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Economic Development