Organization name
Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan
Tax id (EIN)
349 Division Ave. SouthGRAND RAPIDS, MI 49503
The Mental Health Foundation creates communities that have good mental health by teaching the be nice. action plan to
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Led by our fierce leader and executive director, Christy Buck, the MHF team makes a huge impact in the Michigan community. Best known for our be nice. program, last year we educated over 90,000 people in schools, businesses and churches utilizing the be nice. action plan to teach mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Your words and actions can have an effect on the way people think, act, and feel - simply put, their mental health.
This year, the Mental Health Foundation is collaborating with the Michigan High School Athletic Association to bring mental health education to every high school coach in Michigan through the be nice. action plan.
Organization name
Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan
Tax id (EIN)
349 Division Ave. South