The Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House continues its historical legacy as it strengthens and empowers the children, youth, families and individuals living in the Area IV neighborhood of Cambridge. We strive to build a strong community through education and resources for children and families, by providing positive role models for youth, support for basic needs, opportunities for community gatherings, and outreach to under-served populations.
- Our School Age and Summer Explorations Programs provide leadership development and crucial learning opportunities for over 70-80 children and teens from low-income families of the immediate neighborhood.
- Each month our Food Pantry provides over 12,000 pounds of emergency food to 500 elders, adults, and families in need of basic sustenance. (Over 1,500 participants each year).
- Our Technology Center provides daily computer access for over 250 different adults, elders, youth and children each year and two free classes weekly.
- Our Area IV Community Outreach Connections Project targets Area IV young adults who are at serious risk (recently incarcerated, addicted to drugs or alcohol, unemployed, homeless, or in need of education).
- Our Neighborhood Building Project empowers our Area Iv Community of Cambridge to work together and address crucial issues of the neighborhood. We believe that community involvement helps reduce crime, encourage active citizen participation, and build a strong Community. We also invite residents to community pot-lucks and discussions and welcome other organizations to use our facilities, a 200 year old national historical site.
- A new Collaboration with Center for Families of Cambridge provides training and support to parents of infants and toddlers though playgroups and workshops.