Organization name
Miami Beach Watersports Center Inc
other names
Miami Beach Rowing Club
Tax id (EIN)
6500 Indian Creek DriveMiami Beach, FL 33141
The Miami Beach Rowing Club has one of the top youth rowing programs in Florida, regularly winning team trophies at regattas, and each year qualifying athletes for the national championships. We offer scholarships to families in financial need to encourage their children to row. Many parents say the program changes their children's lives: they have more self-confidence and focus, and their sense of achievement through success in rowing enhances other areas of their lives. Their school work improves, resulting in better grades.
Our Paralympic/Adaptive Program opens the waterways to people with disabilities, allowing them to row using specialized equipment. The program is funded by grants from the City of Miami Beech, Freedom Rows, and private contributions. Veterans from the VA and patients from Jackson Hospital's Spinal Unit regularly train at the facility along with people with disabilities from the community. Sight impaired people can go on the water by rowing in a double boat with a coach-guide. Our adaptive athletes have raced at regattas every year since the program's inception, winning medals and setting a world record. The program is free of charge to participants.
MBRC offers recreational and competitive programs for people of all ages and abilities and is a welcoming, safe and accessible place for all.
Organization name
Miami Beach Watersports Center Inc
other names
Miami Beach Rowing Club
Tax id (EIN)
6500 Indian Creek Drive