Missionary Ventures supports the development of churches, schools, feeding centers, clinics, and much more in over fifty countries. We make it easy for you and your church to fulfill your call to missions through experienced staff that will make the necessary arrangements to participate on a short term mission team. We also can facilitate your financial support of needy children, pastors, or projects that are making a difference in local communities throughout the world.
Missionary Ventures International began with the sending of a mission team to Guatemala in 1982. David Beam was an independent missionary working in Guatemala City. His ministry was to bring the love and message of Christ to the squatter camps that had sprung up after the earthquake in 1976.
Steven Beam, David’s brother, was a pastor at that time in Tampa, FL. Steve and Tal Owen organized a mission team to go to Guatemala to help Dave and these desperate people. Soon other mission teams followed.
This personal involvement in missions gave people a greater desire for continued participation. MVI, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, was established to facilitate continued involvement in missions, administer financial aid and enable tax credit for gifts to the poor.
The vision of MVI is to help indigenous Christian leadership. Consequently, the Board of Directors decided that MVI would be a servant organization. It was agreed that by working with indigenous Christian leadership we would accomplish long-term missionary endeavors.
Today, this vision has grown to include the development of Missionary Ventures Canada, Missionary Ventures Great Britain, Missionary Ventures South Africa, Missionary Ventures Australia, Missionary Ventures Latin America and Missionary Ventures New Zealand. Over thirty mission bases have been established throughout the world to host mission teams, pioneer new outreach ministries and administrate aid.
Source: www.mvi.org