Mobile Area Education Foundation

A nonprofit organization

6 donors

The Mobile Area Education Foundation has served as an advocate and activist for public schools in the Mobile community for the last ten years. Our beliefs and values are an integral part of everything we do.

WE BELIEVE that all children can achieve and that every student in Mobile County has the right to the quality tools, teachers, and support needed to ensure his or her academic success. Our work at MAEF has proven what is possible in student achievement when good stable leadership is combined with quality, long-term, school-wide professional development. Our students are learning to excel through the Mobile Math Initiative- a MAEF project that uses proven learning strategies to help elementary students at all levels.

WE BELIEVE that what happens in the classroom matters most and that having a caring and competent teacher in every classroom is the most important factor in addressing student achievement. Over the past 10 years, Mobile County public school educators have benefited from thousands of hours of MAEF sponsored professional development-training that is always focused on sharing "best practices" from around the country for local teachers to put to work in their classrooms.

WE BELIEVE that change is possible, and progress is taking place. Signs of progress are everywhere. Across Mobile County, a growing number of parents are learning the central role they play in their children's academic success. Through MAEF, Parent Organizers are now working in all communities to encourage parents to get personally involved in the learning process. Test scores are improving, and more importantly, students are developing the knowledge and critical thinking skills that are necessary for success in our modern world. Our graduation rate is improving and more of our students are going on to college. We are building new schools and renovating many others.

WE BELIEVE that great schools make a great community and that great schools are the key to creating a better quality of life. Through the work of the Foundation, more and more Mobile County citizens are finding innovative ways to strengthen our schools and community. From local churches that have established after-school tutorial programs to over 700 Mobile County businesses and organizations that now serve as active Partners in Education - MAEF joins forces with thousands of parents, educators, retirees, faith-based groups, business and community leaders to improve opportunities for our children.

WE BELIEVE that the citizens of Mobile County own the public schools and that local taxpayers are the stakeholders of the public education system. Through the YES WE CAN initiative, MAEF is working to build a "civic brigade" of informed and involved advocates for public education. The project, one of only five of its kind in the nation, will produce a citizen-driven plan for improving education and an organized public voice to ensure high standards and high achievement for every child.

We would like to urge you to become a part of the movement to improve the lives of Mobile children and future generations of Mobile workers. We're proud of accomplishments to date and look forward to opportunities ahead. The MAEF, as an independent community organization, works with the Mobile County Public School System to design collaborative solutions that improve our public schools and promote student achievement. We look forward to working with you in the future. 

The Mobile Area Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving our local public schools. Our mission is to build community responsibility for improving public education outcomes in Mobile County. We work with, but are independent of, the Mobile County Public School System.

Key words: MAEF, school, public education, children, mentoring, youth, teenage, Mobile, Mobile County, dropout rate, graduation, reading, tutoring, curriculum, internship, EYE, RAMP, multiple pathways, EEOP, reading buddies, programs, student achievement, mobile graduates initiative, HIPPY, vital link, MMI, council, education commission, Yes We Can, community, 80 by 20

Organization Data


Organization name

Mobile Area Education Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



Education,  Children & Family


MOBILE, AL 36606


(251) 476-0002