Organization name
Midwives on Missions of Service
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Health, International
PO BOX 1656GUALALA, CA 95445
We call those who hurt others "inhumane" and those who willfully let others suffer "inhuman." Helping others is a hallmark of being fully human.
MOMS has strengths, talents, and passion for helping. The women of Sierra Leone need what MOMS has.
MOMS builds capacity by teaching birth attendants to solve problems. They learn to provide effective maternity care and work for change in their communities. They learn to teach about family planning, nutrition, sanitation, breastfeeding, infections, and how their bodies work.
A mini-grant helps the group start a small business. This gives them an income (they are forbidden to accept payment for their maternity care). This business lets them feed their families and help the poorer women in the village.
MOMS Health Workers save lives and improve health.
They are delighted that they and their families are healthier and happier. They are proud of their contribution to the health of their villages.
One woman, Fatmata, came back to class the day after learning about post-partum care. She had gone home the night before and found all the women she had attended in the past few weeks. She performed post-partum exams and found signs of infection in one. She brought that woman to the clinic, where they treated her with antibiotics. The clinic staff said Fatmata saved that woman's life.
MOMS makes a difference - women are alive today because of MOMS' work. Babies are healthy. Girls get to eat - and are not subjected to genital cutting.
MOMS Health Workers commit to doing only what is good for women. You can do something very good for women - support MOMS!
Organization name
Midwives on Missions of Service
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Health, International
PO BOX 1656