Organization name
Mountain View Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Community
580 Castro StMountain View, CA 94041
Leadership Mountain View (LMV)
Who are the 'players' in the cultural, artistic, and recreational life of the city? How does city government work? How does Mountain View fit into the regional picture? What are the important issues facing the local education and public safety systems? How can citizens make a difference? These and many more community themes are explored in the LMV course, which runs September through May, typically meeting on the second Friday of each month and with one Saturday half-day meeting.
Student Outreach and Advancement Resource (SOAR) is a program of the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation. SOAR’s mission is to deliver highly individualized and student centered one-on-one mentoring, counseling and support to underachieving and at-risk community college students.
Each year, the Chamber gives scholarships to deserving high school students. A special luncheon is hosted in March to recognize those students
Organization name
Mountain View Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Community
580 Castro St