Organization name
Nami Nevada
Tax id (EIN)
680 S. Rock BlvdRENO, NV 89502
NAMI Nevada works with individuals with mental illness and their families throughout the state by providing support groups and evidenced-based educational programs such as NAMI Family-to-Family. Other examples of our highly successful educational programs offered in Nevada are: NAMI Basics, NAMI Homefront, NAMI Peer-to-Peer, as well as offering NAMI Family-to-Family and NAMI Basics in Spanish.
We provide much needed support and education to desperate family members who have loved ones with mental illness. We present information on mental illness to various community and state-wide organizations to better help them understand that mental illnesses are medical conditions. Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, mental illnesses are brain-based conditions that often result in a variety of symptoms that can affect daily life. One out of five adults in Nevada--approximately 560,000 experience a mental health disorder in a given year. This is why we need your help!
Organization name
Nami Nevada
Tax id (EIN)
680 S. Rock Blvd