Organization name
National Foundation for Syndactyly
Tax id (EIN)
42 West Main StreetMascoutah, IL 62258
We also connect families with other families, facilities, and certified hand physicians who specialize in Syndactyly treatment. Children afflicted by the birth defect must often undergo complicated surgery at very early ages to give the child a chance at full function when the condition is Syndactyly of the hand. If your child has syndactyly, it means that his fingers and/or toes are webbed or joined, and that the condition was present at birth. The condition is believed to occur in approximately one out of 2,500-3,000 newborns, affects both hands about 50 percent of the time, and most often occurs between the middle and ring fingers.
Organization name
National Foundation for Syndactyly
Tax id (EIN)
42 West Main Street