Organization name
National Hemophilia Foundation - Idaho Chapter
4696 Overland Road, Suite 234BOISE, ID 83705
The two main bleeding disorders:
Hemophilia- a genetic bleeding disorder which prevents blood from clotting normally. Symptoms include frequent bleeding in joints and muscles that can cause serious disability if not treated. Treatment requires infusion of clotting factor. This condition primarily affects men.
von Willebrand Disease (VWD)- a genetic bleeding disorder in which the individual lacks sufficient von Willebrand protein, or has a mutated protein. This causes muscosal bleeding including severe nosebleeds (lasting for hours), heavy periods, and sometimes joint bleeds and arthritis. This condition affects men and women equally.
Our Key Programs include:
Camp Red Sunrise: A camp for families affected with bleeding disorders which provides an opportunity for families to get together with other families who have similar experiences. Many children learn to self-infuse at camp. Self-infusion is a key skill for children to learn on their path to independence.
Teen Program: A program for teens with bleeding disorders to build skills and confidence through interactions with peers and adults.
Women's Program: Women with bleeding disorders face unique challenges. This programs provides education and peer support.
Community Assistance Program: Bleeding disorders are incredibly expensive and can cause a financial burden for affected families. This program provides direct financial assistance for affected families in a crisis.
Annual Family Conference: our annual meeting that allows affected families all over Idaho to come together for specialized education and social support.
Organization name
National Hemophilia Foundation - Idaho Chapter
4696 Overland Road, Suite 234