National Trust for Historic Preservation in the US

A nonprofit organization

9 donors

The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to saving historic places and revitalizing America's communities. Recipient of the National Humanities Medal, the Trust was founded in 1949 and provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources to protect the irreplaceable places that tell America’s story. Staff at the Washington, DC, headquarters, six regional offices and 29 historic sites work with the Trust’s 270,000 members and thousands of preservation groups in all 50 states. The need for the National Trust for Historic Preservation has increased since its founding in 1949. When historic buildings and neighborhoods are torn down or allowed to deteriorate, a part of our past disappears forever. When that happens, we lose history that helps us know who we are, and we lose opportunities to live and work in the kinds of interesting and attractive surroundings that older buildings can provide. Source:

Organization Data


Organization name

National Trust for Historic Preservation in the US

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture,  Economic Development


2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20037


(202) 588-6000