Nebraska Right to Life Educational Trust Fund

A nonprofit organization

839 donors

Nebraska Right to Life Educational Trust Fund is the 501-C-3 non-profit entity under the umbrella of Nebraska Right to Life. NRL Ed Trust has organized and paid for the Nebraska Walk for Life since 1974. The Nebraska Walk for Life is held every January in Lincoln at the State Capitol and draws thousands of pro-lifers to the City to march for life.  NRL Ed Trust also has had a booth at the State Fair since 1974.  This educational outreach on fetal development, abortion and euthanasia reaches thousands of Nebraskans every year. A large screen TV in our double-wide booth at the State Fair runs continuous 4-D ultrasound images of unborn children in the womb.  The NRL Ed Trust Fund also has a free lending library in our Lincoln office of DVD's and books used in educating the general public.  Through the efforts of NRL Ed Trust, many people have been educated about the impact of abortion and euthanasia on our society as well as showing a window into the womb through the advent of video technology.   

Organization Data


Organization name

Nebraska Right to Life Educational Trust Fund

Tax id (EIN)



PO BOX 80410


(402) 438-4802