Nebraska Statewide Independent Living Council

A nonprofit organization

17 donors

The Nebraska Statewide Independent Living Council (NESILC) is a 501c3 as defined by the IRS rules & regulations that exists under the federal statute.  Our organization is mandated to exist through the Rehab Act as amended in 1992 with amendments in 2014 under the Workforce Innovation Opportunities Act (WIOA). We work in conjunction with the Independent Living network to promote independence and dignity for all people living with a disability. We are a cross-disability council composed of people with all types of disabilities, family members and other advocates representing geographic diversity and disability diversity across the state of Nebraska. We work with interested parties to coordinate activities, outreach and education for people with disabilities.

According to the Americans With Disabilities Act, "Disability is a natural part of the human experience."  Individuals with disabilities often face many barriers.  Sometimes these can be physical and easily visible, such as inaccessible buildings or transporation.  However, some barriers aren't so easily seen.  For example, people with disabilites often encounter discrimination, bias and stigmatization.  Specifically, we often see this in the disparity of competitive employment http://nebraskaccd/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Employment-NCCD-Brief-2016.pdf .  People with disabilities are often forcedto live in poverty simply to retain the services they need to remain in their homes and communities of their choice.

NESILC facilitates public meetings and promote educational opportunities for awareness where consumers of disability services and state administrators of the services.  We believe in the inclusion of all people with disabilities in all facets of society and that they should be allowed to make their own choices and decisions.

In addition, we are also responsible for writing the State Plan on Independent Living (SPIL) in conjunction with the Independent Living network our partners.  The SPIL identifies where the Independent Living system presents barriers and we work to expand the network of Centers for Independent Living to address these barriers.

We receive Federal funds which are passed through the state to cover operations and for specific items identified in the SPIL. Therefore, we would like to raise funds to be utilized for projects beyond our budget contraints.  The things NESILC has identified to be involved in the upcoming year include:

  • Providing an educational forum for state Administrators in Lincln around aspects of employment for people with disabilities.
  • Develop and produce materials to educate people with disabilities about their options.

For many people with disabilities employment is a distant dream.  Therefore we need your help!    In order for people with disabilities to become employable while maintaining their needed service it is necessary to educate government officals of the need to change rules and regulations to remove the barriers. 

Please consider donating to our organization!.

Organization Data


Organization name

Nebraska Statewide Independent Living Council

Tax id (EIN)




