Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing Corporation was incorporated in Utah in 1996, with a mission to provide quality affordable housing opportunities, enhance and strengthen communities, and provide households with the skills to become self sufficient. To date, Neighborhood Nonprofit has developed over 600 units of affordable housing through a variety of single and multi-family programs. The economic impact of Neighborhood Nonprofitâs work to date is approximately $1.75 B. These programs include the following:
- Mutual Self Help Housing, a single family program that allows very-low and low-income households to become homeowners by participating in the construction of their homes, under the guidance of Neighborhood Nonprofitâs construction supervisors. The average participantâs household income in this program is 50% of the area median income. Over 300 families have become homeowners through this program, and the average household income is just over 50% of the area median income.  Neighborhood Nonprofit acts as the land developer for this program, and has developed multiple subdivisions to provide affordable lots for the self help participants.
- HomeChoice is a state-wide homeownership program for people with disabilities. Services available to clients include budget management, financial counseling, pre- and post-purchase homeownership counseling, down payment assistance, and helping borrowers apply for a mortgage. The Olene Walker Housing Trust Fund has partnered with Neighborhood Nonprofit to provide second mortgages with reduced interest rates to qualified homebuyers. Over 100 very low-income households have become homeowners through this program.
- The Welcome Home: Own in Logan and Returning Homes to Logan programs provide down payment assistance to low-income first-time homebuyers and acquisition-rehabilitation of non-compliant and dilapidated homes in Logan City. Over 120 families have become homeowners, and over 400 have received counseling services.
- The Brigham City Neighborhood Improvement Program provides rehabilitation assistance for low-income homeowners in Brigham City. Over 30 homes have been rehabilitated through this program.
- Foreclosure Prevention Counseling helps those facing foreclosures or at risk of foreclosure in the near future. Counseling services include debt restructuring, forbearance, loan modifications, deed in lieu of foreclosure, and budgeting education.
- Multi-family project funding comes from the HUD 811 program (affordable housing for people with disabilities,) USDA/RD rental housing, and Low Income Housing Tax Credits. These projects focus on providing housing for under-served segments of the population, including those with disabilities, seniors, and work-force housing. Â Projects include Providence Place, a 22-unit HUD 811 project, designed for people with physical disabilities; Discovery Place, a HUD 811 funded 6-unit group home and 15-unit apartment building for people with developmental disabilities; River Park Senior Housing, a 40-unit LIHTC funded project for very low-income seniors; Tremonton Terrace, a 12-unit RD project for very low-income agricultural workers; Aspen Court, a 72-unit LIHTC designed for larger low-income households; and Ashfield Apartments, 48 unit LIHTC project targeting rural workforce housing in Northern Utah; Vernal Gardens Apartments, 48 unit LIHTC project targeting rural workforce housing in North Eastern Utah.