Organization name
New Jerusalem Christian Fellowship
Tax id (EIN)
591-B Southlake Blvd NorthChesterfield, VA 23236
Do you enjoy helping others? Building hope in the hopeless? WE DO!!!!! Here at New Jerusalem Christian Fellowship we look for opportunities to be a blessing to others. Thats why after we opened out clothes closet this past fall to the local comminity we sought The Lord for others to help. It wasnt long until we prayerfully connected with two churches committed to sharing the Gospel, deliverence and provisions to those in need. We are delighted for the opportunity to share the donations that have been given to NJCF. Please know, everything given on this site will go towards the outreach ministry to ensure we are indeed sharing the GoodNews to all mankind!
Organization name
New Jerusalem Christian Fellowship
Tax id (EIN)
591-B Southlake Blvd North