Noho Pride

A nonprofit organization

"Yes, it is true that some area educators wore paper bags on their heads to demonstrate they could lose their jobs for being lesbian or gay.  In 1982, there were no legal protections for non-heterosexuals in Massachusetts for housing, employment, and foster and adoptive families."

In 1982 Northampton held its first liberation Pride march despite the overwhelmingly homophobic and discriminatory realities facing LGBT people nation-wide.  

Noho Pride is progress by way of unity and inclusion; we celebrate the integrity, history, and diversity within our LGBTQ community.  Noho Pride strives to empower our youth and promote an open-minded and progressive culture.  We celebrate the strides we've made while continuing to push for a more just and accepting society.  

We are all asked to make donations to worthy organizations. We ask that you please place Noho Pride, a 501(c)3 charitable organization comprised 100% volunteers\neighbors, on your list of organizations for year-end tax-deductible contributions.  

Noho Pride (AKA Northampton Pride) has provided LGBT support, education, scholarships, diverse and inclusive public events and more with the help of your generous donations for over 36 years.

Why should I Donate?

  • You believe that diversity and inclusion are important.
  • You--or someone you care about-- is LGBT, and you want to say thanks.
  • You believe in paying it forward.
  • You want to ensure that others experience the same high energy you get as a volunteer and giving back

  • You believe in the power of education and research to overcome the stigma of LGBT communities.

Here's what people are saying about Noho Pride: 

"It brings people together, all demographics and that is so empowering." 

"At pride I am able to be who I am and feel safe among people who do not judge me."

"Pride resurrects a very important part of history, locally and nationally."

"At Pride it provides a great way to support people and businesses."

"Pride encourages growth as individuals and groups like the GSA's at the schools."

"It brings awareness to every facet of society."

Thank you in advance for your generosity!!

Organization Data


Organization name

Noho Pride

Tax id (EIN)



Community Volunteer


PO BOX 866



Social Media