Organization name
North India Christian Childrens Education Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
The North India Christian Children’s Education (NICCE) Foundation is a non-profit corporation organized exclusively for charitable, religious, and educational purposes. We are dedicated to promoting the betterment of children in Northern India through education, religious awareness, housing assistance, and service opportunities.
Children’s homes and schools associated with the NICCE Foundation are based on Christian morals and standards according to the on-site supervisor. Overall, the values of this foundation are based on the verse Mathew 25:40, “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
The NICCE Foundation was started after the President and Vice President of the corporation, Laura Tuteral and Kim Petersen, travelled to India for 8 months as Venturer Missionaries in the fall of 2008. Laura and Kim lived at the India Baptist Theological Seminary (IBTS) in Kottayam, Kerala. They spent their afternoons at the Precious Children’s Home with 140 children from all parts of India. These children were underprivileged and unable to receive education outside of the Children’s Home. Around 25 of these children were from Yeasom Village in Manipur, North India and travelled more than 7 days away from their families in order to be educated at the Precious Children’s Home in Southern India. Kim and Laura spent time getting to know these children and came to understand how much they suffered in order to receive education. They also got to know Jamishon S.P., a seminary student at IBTS and the legal guardian of all the Manipur Children at the Precious Children’s Home. Jamishon is from Yeasom Village and travels with the children each year in order for them to receive education. He has felt called by God to open a Christian children’s home and school in his village so that all of the Manipur children can be educated while remaining near their families. Laura and Kim recognized this need and were inspired to partner with Jamishon in this mission. Since coming back to the US in April 2009, they have worked to legitimize this mission and make others aware of the educational need in Manipur. After completing the school in Yeasom Village, the NICCE Foundation plans to continue supporting the construction of buildings for the purpose of Christian education in North India.
There is a great need for Christian children’s homes and schools in North India. Since most people in India are either Hindu or Muslim, children have to be sent to Central and Southern India for Christian schooling. This creates a hardship not only for the parents, but also for the children. It is financially expensive to send children hundreds of miles away for school and it creates emotional stress for all involved.
The NICCE Foundation’s mission is to financially assist communities with constructing and operating Christian children’s homes and schools so children can be provided for and educated locally. Activities like this will promote the betterment of children in North India and help improve the lives of the needy, poor, and underprivileged in India by providing a Christian education and religious awareness.
Christian children’s homes and schools are based on Christian beliefs and values. Children are taught the importance of prayer and devotion. The children gather together at least once a day in order to read the Bible and worship. They are counseled in the ways of Christ and given an opportunity at one-on-one time with Christian adults and mentors. It’s important that these children are raised in a Christian manner, learning how to share their faith daily so that they can truly make an impact as Godly adults in a secular world. The hope of the NICCE Foundation is that every child will take what he/she has learned and use their love of the Lord to fulfill their God-given potential.
If you’d like to get involved in financially supporting the NICCE Foundation, please click on the secure donation link
...or you can send your tax-deductible contribution to:
NICCE Foundation, c/o Laura Tuteral, P.O. Box 1484, Woodbridge, VA 22195.
Your contributions will make a difference.
Organization name
North India Christian Childrens Education Foundation
Tax id (EIN)