Organization name
Northampton Survival Center Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Humanitarian Aid
(413) 586-6564
Aryceli describes wanting to be "Super Single Mom" as her reason for holding down three jobs for many years. Unfortunately, about a decade ago she was injured while working as a CNA, and she’s been disabled and in chronic pain ever since. After losing her house, she moved to a subsidized apartment in Northampton and found the Center about three years ago. Without any family in the area, she loves that volunteers “recognize and welcome me like a friend. Coming here gives me better peace of mind – knowing I can cook a meal for my kids and grandkids, I’m forever grateful.” Aryceli has a winning smile and an abundance of energy, but she reminds people not to judge others by appearances. “I like to look good in my fashions from Goodwill, but sometimes I feel like I’m dying inside.”
“My 9 and 7 year old kids are on ADHD medications, and we have a lot of medical appointments to pay for. We have to check their heart, blood pressure and liver function because of the medication they are on. My kids are healthy eaters, and a lot of the food I get from the pantry would be expensive if I had to buy it in the store. You pay more for the whole wheat in the store than you do for the regular stuff. The Kids’ Summer Food Program helps me out tremendously. The food is great and my kids love it.”
"I was able to pay my electric bill today because of the groceries I am receiving from the Center". NSC client
Patricia first learned about the Center through our Kids’ Summer Food Program’s outreach to her daughter’s school. After years of making do without having much food, she was surprised to find out about us, and shocked by how much food she received. Now, five years later, she plans carefully for how to use these supplies. Her family has a farm share through Crimson & Clover, and she happily combines fresh ingredients with spices and canned goods to create her homemade specialties – most recently garlic hummus with vegetables. Her 19 year old daughter loves having pasta and cereal on hand, and they’re most appreciative to get fresh local milk at every visit.
“There are times when we would not have had any food to eat if it were not for you.” In 2010, Robin was let go from work when she was diagnosed with a seizure disorder, and she needed help to feed a family of six on her husband’s income of $27,000. “We lost a full-time income which put us in debt. You have to pay rent first so you have a roof over your head for your children. Then you have to pay electricity so you have heat, light and hot water for your children. The Northampton Survival Center has saved us so many times. Because of the pantry, I was able to bring home food to make complete meals and also have fruit for snacks. It doesn’t matter how good your children are, they are going to get tired of eating a box of mac and cheese every night and, with the help of the pantry, I didn’t have to do that.”
“The best thing that can ever happen to you if you fall on hard times.” After Carl was laid off from his job, he and his family became homeless because they couldn’t afford their apartment. The Center has helped them with all the food they need, as well as clothing, diapers, and formula. The kids look forward to every visit to the Center, and enjoy selecting children’s books to take home with them. The family now lives in a subsidized apartment and is getting back on their feet.
"I only went to the Northampton Survival Center for help that first summer I was in Northampton, but that help at that critical time was a vital link in the chain of events that literally helped me survive and stay here, raise my family, work and go to school, become a teacher (and a gardener) and continue to be a contributing member of this community." Mary
Organization name
Northampton Survival Center Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Humanitarian Aid
(413) 586-6564