Oasis Counseling for Women and Children

A nonprofit organization

19 donors

Oasis exists to provide affordable professional counseling to women and children who might not otherwise receive the help they need due to financial constraints. Women and children who come to Oasis seek services to deal with trauma, depression, anxiety, grief, and challenging life transitions.

Because mental and emotional well-being is critical to living a fully functional life and to securing and maintaining a job, local homeless shelters, physicians, nurses, therapists and numerous nonprofit organizations refer low-income women and children to Oasis for professional counseling services.

Compassionate, licensed counselors at Oasis help women recover from depression and anxiety, gain self-esteem, learn to cope with life stressors and set goals for their future. These improvements allow women to be more self-sufficient in caring for themselves and their families and help children function better in school, at home and with peers. 

Oasis services, which are offered on a sliding-fee scale, help women regain hope and reach new heights. Clients express this life changing support best:

“Oasis saved my life-I believe literally. I was in the darkest place of my life, unemployed and depressed to the point of affecting everything. Finding an affordable and compassionate option like Oasis has been a life-line for me.”                                                        Molly – age 38


“I came to Oasis Women’s Counseling Center in quite a mess. I had a low paying job, no health insurance, severely depressed, riddled with panic attacks and in an emotionally abusive relationship that seemed to magnify all of my other troubles. To be honest, I didn’t really want to go to counseling in the first place. Looking back on it now, if I hadn’t made the decision to come to Oasis I don’t know if I’d be alive. Now, my life is completely different. I am more focused than ever on my career path. My depression and anxiety have been (almost) completely eradicated and I’ve finally found a relationship where I don’t have to compromise myself in order for someone to love me. I would have never realized any of this without the care that I received at Oasis, which was exceptional. I received quality care without having to break the bank or worry if my insurance was going to cover the cost.”                      Leslie – age 34    


Organization Data


Organization name

Oasis Counseling for Women and Children

Tax id (EIN)





1900 14TH AVE S