One Step Closer Therapeutic Riding

A nonprofit organization

14 donors

 "Where other therapies failed me, here I found a pathway to sanity.  When others rejected me, here I found acceptance.  When I have failed others, here I have been given support, purpose, direction and a desire to move forward in a positive manner. This place saved my life".  
- A U.S. Veteran's testimony about One Step Closer Therapeutic Riding

At One Step Closer Therapeutic Riding, children and adults with special needs develop life skills for independent living through a unique and effective adaptive riding curriculum.  U.S. Military Veterans recovering from physical and emotional wounds of war are experiencing positive changes in their lives.   

Thanks to support from donors, OSC provides:
- Equine assisted therapy for more than 100 U.S. Military Veterans per year, free of charge,
- Adaptive riding for children and adults with diagnoses that include autism, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, paraplegia, traumatic brain injury, and more,
- Collaboration with HOPE Services to give young adults with developmental challenges an opportunity to learn skills and give back to their community,
- Outreach events for families of fallen soldiers,
- Summer Horse Camp for children.

Partner with OSC as a donor!  You can make a difference in the lives of those we serve with your donation today!

One Step Closer is a center member of the Professional Association of Therapeutic Riding (PATH). OSC is committed to high standards for both safety and effectiveness of services.  OSC is open to all people without bias of race, religious beliefs, or economic status. 

Organization Data


Organization name

One Step Closer Therapeutic Riding

Tax id (EIN)



Animals Health Children & Family



