Organization name
Parley's Rails Trails and Tunnels Coalition
Tax id (EIN)
PO BOX 520308SALT LAKE CTY, UT 84152
When finished, Parley's Trail will provide a major east-west corridor in the Salt Lake Valley. Its users will enjoy a ten foot wide paved pathway with minimal interaction with cars. Communities will be connected with people exploring new places and meeting new people. People will have an opportunity to recreate near their homes. The trail can be used for commuting and serve as part of the solution for cleaner air. Businesses will be served by the foot traffic it brings.
Currently, there are three large sections of trail: Bonneville Shoreline Trail to Tanner Park, Sugar House Park, and the S-Line corridor. Now that we’ve secured Salt Lake County bond money, plans are quickly moving forward on two more sections: Tanner Park to Sugar House Park (2500 East to 1700 East), and 300 West to 900 West. Construction is slated to be underway before the end of summer.
We could really use your support to help connect these sections and finish the trail! The sections that remain unfunded are: 2300 East bridge and tunnel, the Sugar House Business District, State Street to 300 West, and 900 West to the Jordan River Parkway. You can visit our website,, to find out more.
Thank you so much for your LOVE!
Organization name
Parley's Rails Trails and Tunnels Coalition
Tax id (EIN)
PO BOX 520308